Labels:text | screenshot | printing OCR: Minimum System Requirements VOLUME 1.2 386DX-33 OR HIGHER substance. 4 MB RAM MICROSOFT® 640X480 256-COLOR SVGA DISPLAY WINDOWS 16-BIT SOUND CARD COMPATIBLE DOUBLE SPEED CD-ROM DRIVE (300 KB/SEC) MICROSOFT WINDOWS 3.1 PC digizine Recommended Multimedia PC 486DX-25 OR HIGHER 16MB RAM 640X480 65K-COLOR SVGA DISPLAY 16-BIT SOUND CARD DOUBLE SPEED CD-ROM DRIVE [ THE NINE DIVINATIONS OF AXIOM RECORDS ] Under the guidance of producer Bill Laswell, Axiom Records has mystically broken down all genres in its quest to be a record label which transforms the past, present and future through its musical and artistic philosophy. [ THE ART PART ] Welcome to our interactive art gallery. In this issue, we focus on the world of visual arts as seen through the eyes of collage artist James Koehnline and the San Francisco-based graphics company SFX Lab. [ NEURO-OPERA ] William Gibson's cyberpunk romance, Neuromancer, is being retrofitted this year with an original libretto and computer animated stage design in order to bring one of the world's classical art forms up to date with the Sega generation. [ MIND BY DESIGN - These Machines May Just Make You Smarter ] There's been an underground explosion of mindtech devices and other related methods of mental stress relief, but you still have to wonder about the price involved in putting your mental well-being in the hands of these trained professionals we interviewed. [ SUBSTANCE ABUSE ] Our reader's section features user input as well as a collection of random bits, blobs and such meant to be a complete waste of time, for your enjoyment of course. CD-AUDIO on Track 2-Written, produced and performed by Twisted Pear Distributed by PART NO. SUBBX002 SONY Substance Interactive Media, Inc. SUBSTANCE 444 Grove Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 ISBN 1-56673-165-8 Phone: 415.626.2147 Fax: 415.252.0221 Email: MAGESOFT Copyright @ 1994 Substance Interactive Media, Inc. substance.digizine" is a Trademark of Substance Interactive Media, Inc. Substance Interactive Media, Inc. is Registered ®. Microsoft ® and WindowsIM are registered trademarks of MADE WITH M Microsoft Corp. All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Design by Colin Johnston+Associates-Electron Spin Productions. MACROMEDIA 7 35009 22750 8